Augusto Herrmann


open data

 open data enthusiast since 2009, conceived and implemented the Brazilian federal government open data policy, from scratch in 2010 to the 8th and 14th positions in international rankings

 maintains open data sets (such as this one) that are updated daily using automated ETL processes with a software stack including SQL, Python and Apache Airflow

open government and citizen participation

 made contributions on open data to the first 4 Brazilian action plans in the Open Government Partnership, from drafting to execution of commitments

 took part in driving the first ever collaborative crafting in the world of a government portal, open to participation of any citizen

data engineering

 designs, implements and manages dozens of data flows, including cleaning, enrichment and integration operations from heterogeneous sources for a data lake and for the release of open datasets at the Brazilian public administration, using a mostly free and open source software stack including Apache Airflow, FastAPI, Frictionless Data, Open Source Routing Machine and others

 implements data flows in collaborative projects, such as using Github Actions to automate updates from open data sources

free and open source software

 has contributed code to Airflow, FastAPI, Frictionless Data, FastETL, and many others

machine learning

 M.Sc. in knowledge management and information technology researched natural language processing and machine learning techniques to automatically build glossaries based on existing definitions in legal texts


 Talks, webinars and podcasts








 2015 and before